Welcome to the “Travelin’ Light” Blog

Greetings, my brothers and sisters!


I thank God for my faith, my joy and my spiritual gift of humor, for they are the three reasons why I am able to keep from being weighed down with unnecessary burdens and baggage and keep “travelin’ light” on this journey.

At one time in my life I was shackled by some heavy burdens and carrying around a lot of guilt and shame—but not anymore.

My faith in God, or my Hope, has freed me up and allowed me to realize that God already has everything worked out for me on this journey.  Romans 8:28 gives me assurance that not many things, not a few things, not some things, but all things will work together for me because I love the Lord and I am called according to His purpose.  With that type of assurance, why do I need to worry?

My joy, which comes from the Lord and strengthens and undergirds me, allows me to possess a levity or lightness which propels me to rise above the circumstances and situations on this journey and again know that God has my back and no weapon formed against me (physical or spiritual) will prosper unless He allows it to do so.

And last, but not least, my humor and ability to laugh.  God definitely knew what He was doing when He gave me the spiritual gift of humor.  Without laughter, anger, bitterness and unforgiveness could have easily welled up in me and caused major damage to my health.  Laughter has been such good therapy for me (and others) because it acts as a release valve and lets me ignore some of the not-so-pleasant things which occur on this journey.  I have encountered some very good people in this world.  I have also encountered some bad and some very, very ugly people and many times I have been able to say “Lord, forgive your people, for they know not what they do” and just laugh it off.  I am quite sure that God often  scratches His head in disbelief and just laughs at some of the crazy things we do.

I believe that part of my God-given mission is to use my Christian Comedy Ministry to:


as I speak and highlight God’s Truth


as I humorously entertain while encouraging and energizing the spirit of the listeners and


as I amusingly uplift God and His principles and issue an invitation to come to Christ.


Again, I say thank God for faith, joy and humor, for they allow me to keep on “travelin’ light” as I crawl in humility, kneel in prayer, walk in love and run this race of life.